A heart full of love

Choir has always been apart of our family. I took choir class in middle school and high school. My brother Ashby took choir class in middle school and high school as well. On May 15th, 2018, my dad and I went to Ashby’s choir concert at Bingham High School. It was always a lot of fun going back to my high school and hear his choir perform a lot of the songs I performed when I was in that class! Singing has always brought so much joy to our family.

On May 20th, 2018 my brother Ashby’s friend Geoff asked me if I wanted to do a photoshoot. He was practicing photography, and was offering me a free photoshoot! I couldn’t say no. We went up to Daybreak and took tons of outside photos, and even got caught in the rain for about 30 minutes. Overall the pictures turned out really good, and we were both happy! I’ve always loved being in front of the camera, whether it’s my phone on self timer or someone else taking the picture.

One thing about my dad and I’s relationship is whenever we got the chance we would grab something to eat together. I have always cherished the random meals, at random times of the day to just catch up with my dad. Those moments will forever be cherished.

On May 30th, 2018 my brother Ashby graduated high school! He was the last of the kids to graduate. My grandma and grandpa Cedar came up to celebrate this special day. We took pictures before we headed to the University of Utah where he would walk and get his diploma. Ashby had tons of family show up to cheer for him when he walked across the stage. It was a little surreal to me that my baby brother was graduating!

After he graduated, we went outside to take pictures and then left. Ashby hopped in my car and we headed home. We turned on the radio and blasted “The Man” by Aloe Blacc. “You can tell everybody, yeah you can tell everybody, go ahead and tell everybody.. I’m the man I’m the man I’m the maaaan!” I was so incredibly proud of him, because he has a rough go around during his entire schooling with staying focused and getting his work done. He overcame a lot of challenges and made it out on top!

June 9th, 2018 my dad and Mat had their Utah wedding reception in our friends backyard. Alisa and Mike Jones were so gracious for letting us decorate their yard, and invite family and friends to celebrate love! Light refreshments were served, as well as cake! It was so fun to just sit back and watch my dad and Mat see all of their friends who showed up to support. I got to catch up with a ton of family who I hadn’t seen in awhile. The evening was perfect with the most immaculate vibes.

When it was time to cut the cake, we all gathered around. It was surreal to see my dad so happy and so in love. Celebrating my now two dads made me and everyone around so happy!

June 14th, 2018 my dad, me, and Ashby were able to showcase ‘Sugar Daddy’s Treats’ on a local Utah news station who did a morning show called ‘Good Things Utah’. We were all so excited, since this was the first time ever promoting the business on TV. When we showed up to the news station, we walked through the halls and made it into the broadcasting room where all the magic happens. They were live on the air doing a few morning updates when we entered. I think we must have waited 30 minutes until we met the crew. It was then time to start setting up everything we had brought with us in the kitchen that was apart of the set. The night before my dad and I baked chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, lemon bars, and brownies. Setting up took us maybe 10 minutes. Finally everything looked perfect and ready for the camera!

The man who is sort of like the commentator, asked who would be on the small preview before the break. My dad told him I would! I was so nervous but, again.. I’m no stranger to the camera. He took me into the kitchen and told me to just smile at the camera as he was talking. So, I did just that! It was like 10 seconds, if I remember right.

After the break was over, it was time for the segment! Ashby decided to sit back and watch everything unfold. My dad was friends with the lady who interviewed us, so that was kind of cool. When the segment started, we had smiles on our faces and ready to answer any question thrown our way. This was a really cool moment… being on TV, showing off my dads treats, and almost having a ‘we made it’ moment together. When the segment was finished, all of the ladies who were apart of the show came over and tried almost everything we had baked. We got nothing but amazing reviews! All three of us took pictures on the set, packed everything back up, and left the studio. What a cool experience I’ll never forget. Safe to say after that.. orders were coming in HOT!

June 16th, 2018 I decided it was time for another tattoo! I originally told my dad I wanted to get a pair of small scissors on my arm somewhere. But once I got to the tattoo shop, I changed my mind. I was wearing a kimono that had beautiful peonies on it. I asked Landon (my tattoo artist) if we could take the flower from my kimono and put it on my arm. Of course he said yes! He took a picture of the flower and made it into a stencil then put it on my shoulder. I LOVED the look of it, and went for it!

Halfway through almost 3 and half hours in, I started to shake and get very cold. I asked Landon if we could stop for a second, he had just started shading the flower in with color. He didn’t want to stop because it would take longer to finish, but I made him. I was not okay, and knew I needed something STAT. I went to my car, and got a blanket then I asked for some chocolate and water. We took a 10 minute break, and after getting a little more hydrated and my blood sugar back up I was ready to go! I just wanted to get it over with at this point.. haha!

The tattoo was finished after 5 hours of utter pain. When I first looked at it in the mirror I was shocked. It was so big, and so vibrant. It almost looked like a sticker was put on my arm. I knew my mom and dad were probably going to flip their shit once they saw my new tattoo. It was toooo late!

When I was driving home I had the biggest pit in my stomach. It’s actually really sad now that I look back at it, that I had that constant fear of being judged so instilled in me. Ever since I was a little girl I was told what to do and what not to do. One of the things I was told my entire life was “your body is a temple” which means.. you should not mark your body in anyway. Your body is pure and perfect just the way it was when you were born. So, you can only imagine how nervous I was after getting this big tattoo on my shoulder, even more nervous than I was about my ‘strength’ tattoo. My reasoning of getting any tattoo back then and now is my creative side. I want to express feelings and portray messages through art on my body. I was doing this for me, and using it as a creative outlet. I love art, it’s so beautiful and can tell so many stories. I didn’t have a meaning behind my flower tattoo until later on once I thought about it more. The reason behind my flower tattoo and any other tattoos I have gotten is growth and strength. I am constantly growing in every aspect of my life, and through that growth I have to have strength.

When I got home, I showed my dad the new addition. He was very surprised to say the least, because he was expecting a small scissor tattoo. He didn’t say anything negative about it, which I was very relieved about. I wasn’t as worried about what my dad was going to say, it was my mom and the rest of my family I was more concerned about. At the end of the day, it’s my body and the cool thing about life is you have every right over your own body. I was happy with my new tattoo!

June 21st, 2018 my dad, Mat, Ashby, and I got on a plane that was headed to Ohio! We were having a second wedding reception so that Mat’s family and friends could celebrate, and meet everyone. Plus, it was nice knowing that Ashby and I would meet everyone in Mat’s life, and make that connection.

Once we landed in Ohio, we drove to a hotel to drop our bags off. After that we headed to Mat’s mom and dads house in the middle of absolutely nowhere. This was the first time I had ever met them. They welcomed us with open arms, which made Ashby, my dad and I instantly feel like family. Mat’s moms name is Kathy, and his dads name is Bill. Mat also has a little brother named Brett, who is married to his wife Roxanne. At the time they just had their son Easton, so I was really excited to meet them!

We visited with Mat’s parents for awhile, then later that evening went to Brett and Roxanne’s house in Niles, Ohio which was a pretty short drive. Driving through Ohio is definitely a different experience… there were endless fields filled with corn, lavender, and really anything else you could imagine grows in a field. There were a ton of houses, and small businesses. One hundred percent got a small town feel the entire time, which was a nice change of pace from Utah.

Once we got to Brett and Roxanne’s house we got a tour of their house, and massive backyard. It was so cute, and rustic! Roxanne really knew how to decorate and created a very unique aesthetic. Mat’s parents met us there, and we all pulled out lawn chairs, sat on their side driveway around a fire, and just enjoyed each others company. I remember Brett offered us drinks, and he introduced ‘Buzz Balls’ to our family for the first time. If you don’t know what Buzz Balls are.. they are a small 200 ml mixed drink with 20% alcohol. If you wanna get tipsy real quick.. that’s the drink for you! I held cute little Easton, he wasn’t too sure about all of us at first.. but slowly warmed up! All in all, it was so nice to finally meet Mat’s family who was now my family.

The next day we spent time at Bill and Kathy’s house. But, before we headed over there we made a pit stop at the store. Ever since my Aunt Jeana and Uncle Spencer lived in Ohio our family has been obsessed with ‘Fluff’, which is just a marshmallow spread. My mom and dad would always make us peanut butter and fluff sandwiches whenever we could get our hands on fluff. Anyways, while we were at the store my dad found fluff! Ashby and I were so excited! It’s so funny how you can’t find it over in the western states, which sucks.

Eventually after our grocery store trip we made our way to Bill and Kathy’s. Kathy had made us all a delicious dinner! Brett, Roxanne, and Easton came over and we all sat outside on the back deck to eat dinner. Easton LOVES Uncle Brandon!

After we ate, Roxanne took me for a ride on their side by side. It was so fun driving up and down the street, with the wind in my hair, getting a tour of the neighborhood by Roxanne. As we were driving, I kept thinking to myself how much Roxanne reminded me of my Aunt Kara (my dads brothers ex wife). Kara has always been someone I looked up to ever since I was a little girl. She is such a fun person, has an amazing outlook on life, and was a little younger than my other aunts. So it was cool that I felt the same way about Roxanne right off the bat. That made me feel so much more comfortable, and gave me a sense of familiarity.

When Roxanne and I got back, it was time for my dad and Ashby to take a spin! There’s something so refreshing about the small town feel. It felt like there were no laws, or restrictions. While they were out riding around, I took advantage and held Easton. I was determined to make us best friends!

The next morning we were a little lazy at the hotel, it was the day before the wedding reception so we wanted to take it easy. It’s rare when Mathew wants to lay down by Ashby and I. But, this morning he decided to lay down by us, talk to us, and watch what I was doing on my phone.. haha!

Mat had been raving about this hot dog place not too far away that had “the best hot dogs” in Ohio. Of course we had to go check it out, since Ashby is a hot dog connoisseur! The hot dog place was called ‘The Hot Dog Shop’ super unique name.. I know. Turns out, they do have BOMB hotdogs and chili cheese fries. The way the restaurant was set up was really cool. It was almost like a really old diner, with tables and bar type tables in the middle. The kitchen was exposed, so we could see everything being made. There’s a running joke in our family with Ashby involving hot dogs…”can I get two with that?” Yes, Ashby got two hot dogs, and he was in heaven. Overall delicious place, and amazing recommendation by Mathew! Note to all: never doubt Mathew with food recommendations, I swear he is a wizard with all food.

The next day, was wedding reception day! I don’t think my dad and Mat could’ve picked a more perfect venue. There was a winery right up the road from Bill and Kathy’s house. This place… wow. It was a huge barn, decorated in a very rustic vibe, with a beautiful river running to the side of it. There was a big room with tables and chairs. All we had to do was add a personal touch with pictures, and other things! The best part was the bottomless wine provided. I had never tasted better wine in my life, you could tell that it was made right there in the building. My dad had made some cookies, that we individually packaged up for everyone to take home. Everything was so perfect, and exactly what my dad and Mat deserved to celebrate their love.

We took some family pictures before everyone showed up. This was weird to me at first, knowing that I had just gained a whole new family and was about to meet more family throughout the evening. It felt weird but felt so right as the night went on. Ashby and I stood in the greeting lineup with my dad, Mat, Bill, Kathy, Brett, Roxanne, and Easton. I honestly couldn’t tell you everyone that I met, it was very overwhelming. After we greeted everyone, it was time to eat and drink! I mingled as much as I could, to try and get to know everyone but wanted to enjoy the delicious food and atmosphere.

If you know me, you know that I can’t go anywhere without a photo op and I always drag either my brother or dad to wherever I want pictures taken. Anyways… Ashby was the lucky victim this time, since my dad and Mat were obviously busy. We went outside and started snapping away. Ashby is a freakin trooper, and I will forever be grateful to him for putting up with my bull shit! Don’t worry he got a picture or two out of the deal. Then we went inside, found beautiful string lights and took a few more pictures.

As the night was coming to a close, my heart was so full. The simple fact that Mat’s family and friends showed up to celebrate and show support was amazing. Our family felt so much love in such a short amount of time. Love is love, you are allowed to love whomever you want, whoever makes your heart dance and sing! Dad and Mat, you are two beautiful human beings and I am so proud to be your daughter. Ashby, thank you for being my ride or die.. you are an amazing brother and friend.

Side note: Easton was my ‘boyfriend’ by the end of the trip. He was really young, but would blush every time he saw me. Cute little guy..

The next day we decided to take a road trip! We drove a few hours to the city of Ashtabula, which is where my Great Grandpa Spevak lived before he moved to Utah. Our first stop on our little road trip was the ‘White House Fruit Farm’. It was a really cute little farm with fresh fruit, honey, jam, and ice cream. We walked around the little pond and shop, then we were on our way!

We finally made it to Ashtabula, and found my Great Grandpa’s house! It was really small, but very cute. Obviously it had been renovated on the outside since he lived there, but it was really cool to be where he was many years ago as a child.

The next stop was the cemetery where we found my Great Great Grandpa Spevak’s gravesite. He had a huge headstone with “Spevak” on it. That was sort of unreal.. seeing the last name Spevak in Ohio. Great Great Grandpa fought in World War II, he died on March 20th, 1945. My Great Grandpa’s brother Bert was also buried in the same cemetery. We took a picture in front of the headstone, took a minute to hangout and then we were on our way again!

We decided to stop and get lunch at a cute local spot, and then got ice cream at the infamous Katy’s Korner. Mathew worked at Katy’s Korner growing up, so we had to go try the best ice cream in his opinion. What did I say before? Never doubt Mathew and his food/desserts! SO YUMMY!!

After our stomachs were full, we walked around the town and found ourselves at Lake Erie. HOLY SHIT, what a massive lake. It looked like the ocean, no joke. I was blown away at the beauty and size of Lake Erie, of course I had to get a picture.

We made our way back to our hotel that evening, and got a goodnights rest. Tomorrow, we were leaving to go back home to reality. I was sad to leave our new family, but so excited to be back in the city! Small town life just ain’t for me.

This trip made me realize a lot about life. Families can blend, they can work, new people introduced to you later in life can become family. Blood doesn’t make you family, love and acceptance does. I am so happy that Mathew now has a full and complete family with both my dad’s side and his. I believe their marriage re built so many relationships, and created new ones. Both wedding receptions solidified the word ‘Love’ to me over and over again. My heart is full.

It was time to go back home! Ashby and I always sat by each other on literally every flight our family took. We were sad and missed Parker on this trip, but I had hope that he would soon meet the new additions to our family. On our flight home, Ashby asked for a lot of snack packs.. man can that boy eat! He has never failed to make me laugh, his sense of humor is A1.

We finally landed back home in Utah. As we were waiting for our bags at baggage claim, Ashby looks over at me and whispers in my ear.. “Lauryn isn’t that Ricky Rubio?” I looked over and YES it was!! If you don’t know who Ricky Rubio is.. he was a player for the Utah Jazz at the time. You could tell that he was trying to stay undercover so no one would bother him. But, if you know me.. you bet your ass I walked right over to him and said hello! I asked where he was coming from and he replied with “Spain” in his Spanish accent. He had just done some training at home, and was coming back to start the NBA season. I told him he’s going to kick some ass this season, and then asked for a picture. He was hesitant, but said yes. We posed for the picture and I put my hand on his arm, which I probably shouldn’t have.. haha! After we took the picture, I thanked him and wished him luck this season. I walked away and then everybody instantly recognized him. His security that was spread out around him had to take him somewhere else before he even got all of his bags. I felt really bad.. but hey, I got my picture!

All in all I am so thankful for my dad and Mat. Their constant example of unconditional love will forever be with me. I will pass that example down to my kids, and I can’t wait to ask them if they want to go to Grandpa and Grandpa’s someday! I love you both, and congratulations again!


Livin’ Young, Wild, and Free


The start of self discovery