Love is Beautiful

At the end of February 2018, my dad and Mat booked our family a flight to Maui, Hawaii for their wedding! We were all so excited to spend time together in the most tropical place, for a joyous occasion! The day finally came, and we headed to the airport in Salt Lake City. There was snow on the ground, I remember I couldn’t wait to be on the beach.

Once we got to the airport, we went through security, and of course had to stop at Starbucks for some coffee. After coffee was had, we got some food to hold us over for the 6 hour flight. Once we boarded the plane, by brothers and I sat by each other, and my dad and Mat sat my each other. My dad had the flight attendant bring me back a small bottle of Prosecco, which was cute!

The flight to Hawaii always seems so freakin’ long! The anticipation literally kills me. We landed in Maui around 10:00pm, and headed to our Airbnb which was located in Wailea. The entire trip was planned out from start to finish. Our first plan was to wake up at the butt crack of dawn, to go to the top of a mountain called Haleakala to watch the sunrise, and then ride bikes all the way down.

We got into bed around 11:00pm and woke up at 3:00am to start our first adventure! We were all so exhausted running on little to no sleep at all, but knew it would be worth it once we got to the top of Haleakala. There was a shuttle that met us in front of a hotel that we had to walk to, to take us up the mountain. It was pouring rain, so we all had rain jackets on. We were hopeful the rain would stop so the sky was clear. (Parker was on the shuttle too, just not pictured).

Once we got to the top of the mountain, we were guided into a visitors center which we would eventually be able to exit to see the sunrise. The signal was given for us to go outside, surprise surprise it was still pouring rain and the sky was full of dark clouds. The wind was absolutely insane blowing the rain in all different directions. One of the really cool things was this man who was blowing a blow horn to welcome in the new day. Even tho we couldn’t see the sun, it felt very refreshing and kinda spiritual to feel the Hawaiian spirit by welcoming a brand new day.

After we were done with feeling absolutely miserable, and cold we got back into the shuttle that would take us to the bikes we were going to ride down the mountain. There was a group of maybe 5 other people with us. Funny enough, once we got to our bikes the sky started to clear up and the sun was shining full force! We took our rain jackets off and got instructions about how to ride the bikes, where we were going, and rules of the road. They provided full on motorbike helmets for us, and we were ready to go!

I’ve honestly never felt more freedom in my life. Soaring down the mountain, wind in my hair, no cares in the world, nothing but smooth road in front of me. We took a few pit stops on the way down for photos because it was just THAT green and beautiful! Rain really brings out the beauty of the island. The bike ride was a grand total of 23 miles round trip! Once we got down closer to the bottom of the mountain, there were tons of small houses which was so cool to see. The smell of all the flowers and fresh rain was absolutely unreal. We started the bike ride around 8am and finished around 10am.

After we were finished, we were all starving, there was a food truck near by that the shuttle took us to! I got a fresh chicken salad sandwich with potato salad, and chips! It was the perfect meal, after the perfect morning we had. There were a few wild ducks walking around while we were eating, let me just say they were the most beautiful and unique ducks I had ever seen.

Once our stomachs were full, we headed back to the airbnb to rest and get a nap or two in. My brothers and I decided to walk down to the beach for a quick photo-op and explore! The beach was a 10 minute walk from our airbnb. My brothers brought longboards, so I was stuck walking.. thankfully they rode close to me and didn’t leave me behind. I won’t step foot on a longboard because I had a really bad accident on one when I was a junior in high school. There’s literally nothing like the beach on an island, especially Maui.

My brothers and I got back to the house, and started to help make dinner. We had spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad. Every night we ate on the lanai deck in Hawaiian) that overlooked the complex pool with a perfect view of the ocean. I remember sitting at the table with my family, and feeling so thankful to be there with the four men in my life that meant the absolute world to me.

It was safe to say after being awake for more than 24 hours we were all pooped, and were ready to go to bed. I think we were all in bed by 8pm, resting for another eventful day tomorrow.

The next morning we got up, had breakfast, and were refreshed to start another beautiful day on the island. It was still super rainy, but that wasn’t going to stop us. My dad and I decided to take a morning run down to the beach, my brother Parker tagged along on his longboard. Mat and Ashby stayed behind at the airbnb. Once we made it to the beach, we explored the lava rock formations and saw a few sea turtles on shore. Of course, we can’t go anywhere without taking pictures of each other. I remember thinking to myself “I am TOO pale to be in Hawaii.” I then made it a goal over the next few days to get very tan, haha!

Parker and I found a spot on the shoreline that had white rocks mixed in with the lava rock. It was a place where lovers stacked the white rocks on top of each other to signify their love to one another. Parkers girlfriend Lexi was unable to come on the trip, so he made a rock tower for her. I thought that was very tender.

When we got back from exploring my dad decided to bake some of his famous cookies! He had to adjust the recipe a little bit because of the humidity, and elevation. They tasted just the same, but looked just a little bit different than they usually do. My dad then asked me to take pictures of the cookies outside, for his Instagram page since I was his social media manager. Not gonna lie, the pictures turned out pretty freakin’ professional if you ask me. (I don’t have the professional picture, but here is one of a half eaten cookie haha!)

The rest of the day consisted of a beach day. You can’t take us anywhere that has a beach and expect us not to spend the most time there. Before we headed to the beach we stopped at a restaurant that was famous for their fish tacos and fish n chips! I’m not a fan of fish whatsoever, but I was in Hawaii.. I had to try their fresh fish tacos! There was zero disappointment after my first bite.

Finally we made it to the beach. We went to Pa’ako Beach (aka Big Beach) which was very close to our airbnb. My brothers always find weird creatures on the beach, without fail. Big beach is known for it’s massive waves. Number one rule of any beach is to NEVER turn your back to the ocean. I disobeyed that rule… and got absolutely destroyed by a wave. It literally man handled me, pushing and pulling me in every direction. I came up from the bottom of the ocean with scrapes on my knees, elbows, and toes. I couldn’t catch my breath, with my hair in my face, and sand in my eyes. Once I caught my breath, I didn’t want to go back into the ocean so I went to our towels for the rest of the day. Maybe I’d give the ocean another chance someday.

My brothers and I love playing in the sand. We decided as a family we were going to bury Ashby in the sand and give him a special designer outfit. haha! So much laughter and fun.

After hours on the beach we went back to our airbnb, and just relaxed. My brother Parker made homemade Pina Colada’s almost every night, which we enjoyed on the lanai. Hawaiian sunsets are the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen in my entire life. We barely got glimpses of a sunset each evening because it was so cloudy and rainy. Fun fact about myself.. I love sunsets because they signify a beautiful day ending, with another day just right around the corner. The sun is a constant and will always rise again.

We would also end our evenings with card games on the lanai after dinner. We played ‘Dutch Blitz’ which is a card game my dad learned on his LDS mission. My brothers and I had been playing Dutch Blitz with my mom and dad ever since we were little. It’s always a special time when we get to sit down and play it again. Mathew has learned the game quickly and is now my biggest competition just under my dad. I usually always win… *wink wink*. My dad and I are pretty close every time we play. Forever a game I’ll love to play with my family!

The next day started with a cup of Hawaiian coffee on the lanai as the sun was rising. I would play reggae music on my phone to start each day. Nothing like setting the mood, and truly living in the Hawaiian culture. The smell of the plumeria flowers, and fresh rain to start my day.. honestly nothing better.

Parker decided he wanted to rent a moped to scoot around the island on, so we drove to a store to rent one for the rest of the trip. We all took turns on it, driving around the neighborhood. Parker would go on long rides alone around Wailea. Ashby sometimes joined him on his longboard.

In the evening we had reserved a table at a Luau on the other side of the island called Lahaina. The luau was named “The Old Lahaina Luau”, I had heard amazing things about it and was so excited to go with my family!

On the way to the luau, we made a very special stop at the marriage licensing offices. Mat couldn’t find his ID so he was nervous that the marriage license wasn’t going to be possible. Thank goodness my dad had a picture of Mat’s passport on his phone, which was just as good as an ID. It was just small house, in the middle of the village. We all went inside to see what it was like. A very nice lady sat down with my dad and Mat, and got all the necessary information and signatures. My brothers and I got back into the car while they were doing everything. Once my dad and Mat got back into the car, they showed us their official marriage license!! We were all SO excited, that their marriage was THAT much closer to being official! After all, tomorrow was the big day! The smiles on my dad and Mat’s face were priceless. That one piece of paper meant so much to them and us.

Once we got to the luau and through the gates, we each received a Lei and a drink (except for Ashby since he was under age, he got a virgin drink). We walked around and explored before dinner started. There was corn hole, ring toss, and a few other games to play. We watched the pig getting roasted in a huge dirt pit, and took the view of the ocean in. There was an open bar too which was pretty sick! It’s just a big party right from the very moment you step in the doors, so much to see, hear, smell, and do!

Once dinner was ready to be served we took our seats at the table. The table was shared with a few other people, who were kind to us! The Luau was a buffet style meal, so we all got up with our plates and chose what we wanted to eat. I got pork, different kinds of salads, fruit, bread, and baby octopus. Everyone else got similar plates, and we dug in!

I was very moody at this point of the trip. Mathew was getting on my nerves for some reason, him and I have always had our ups and downs. I can’t remember why I was so bitter towards him, but I was not having it. While we were eating anything anyone would say got on my nerves… hormones? moody? being a girl surrounded by nothing but testosterone?

The show began with fire and hula dancers. There were so many tables filled with people. The stage was in the center of everyone, which made it easy to see the show. The sun was setting behind the stage into the ocean, I was taken back at the beauty. What a beautiful place, with a beautiful culture.

After the Luau we headed back to our airbnb, we drove through the Lahaina village. It was so cute, and rustic. We didn’t stop anywhere because we were all so tired, and it was getting late.

The next day was wedding day February 27th, 2018!! We started off our day with the beach, of course! We brought our boogie boards, and spent the afternoon as a family. I remember seeing a local guy surfing right by us. Who wouldn’t think a local Hawaiian man is cute?? I finally got the nerve to talk to him, I asked him where he was from and a few other questions. I ended the conversation by asking for a picture with him.. Lauryn oh Lauryn.. haha! He was very nice, and I’m glad I talked to him!

As we were all laying on our towels, I looked over at my dad and Mat. They were writing their wedding vows. I started to tear up.. how PERFECT. In just a few hours they were going to be married in their favorite place, on their favorite beach, with my brothers and I. My heart was very happy at that moment just thinking about what was to come.

It was time to go back to the airbnb to get ready for the wedding! I had bought this light turquoise dress and foot jewelry to wear. I obviously wasn’t thinking about pictures being taken so I went with zero makeup. (Not that makeup means everything, but I’m bummed now looking back that I didn’t have any on.. haha!) My hair was in it’s natural form, wavy and all. I was truly living the Hawaiian life. My brothers both wore light turquoise shirts with tan shorts. My dad and Mat wore white shirts with tan cropped pants. It was all so perfect. We were all ready to go and had to make it to the beach before sunset!

When we arrived on the Grand Wailea beach, there was a photographer, musician, and officiant waiting for us! There was a small spot against the rocks where the wedding was going to take place. The photographer was super nice and friendly, she was so excited to capture this special evening. The musician was a famous ukulele player from Hawaii, and throughout the entire wedding he would be playing a list of my dad and Mat’s favorite songs. The officiant was this older man, who lived in Hawaii. He was so kind, and so happy for our family!

The wedding began. My dad and Mat stood across from each other with the officiant in the middle. My brothers and I stood to the left of them in a line. There were so many great things that happened during the ceremony, but a few moments really stick out to me. When my dad and Mat exchanged vows.. that was so emotional for me. Hearing the most loving words come from each of their mouths to one another, seeing the love in their eyes, and watching them get emotional…made me tear up.

Our family got to each hold a small bottle of colored sand, and pour each one individually into a big plastic container. That signified our family coming together as one, what a special special moment.

After all was said and done… we all hugged each other. When I hugged Mat, i started to bawl. In that moment, I knew that love had WON! I’m crying now just thinking about hugging him, knowing that he was now officially apart of the family and officially my second dad. We had all waited sooo long for this moment, and finally it was here. It almost didn’t feel real.

I hugged my dad, and told him that I loved him. Finally he was able to really live his authentic life with the man he loved. Our hug was very long. I had been there for him since the moment he came out to me, in 2015. We were both crying, and felt such a relief. I hugged my brothers, and truly just felt love all around. It was a perfect setting, with perfect music, and incredible people. THIS is what life is all about, living your life no matter how hard it is and finally getting to that place where you can celebrate with the ones you love!

After all the hugging was done, it was time for pictures. We did tons of family photos as well as individuals. The pure bliss and happiness felt that evening on the beach was nothing like I had felt before. The sun was setting, the ocean was warm, the breeze was perfect… everything was as it should be.

We left the beach, and headed back to the airbnb. My dad and I went down to the pool to grill some hamburgers. I remember sitting there with him as we were waiting for them to be done.. looking into his eyes.. and saw pure happiness. We talked for a bit, and enjoyed the beautiful night. After dinner was all ready, we sat at the table on the lanai, poured champagne, and did a toast! After that, we all dug in and enjoyed each others company.

LOVE IS LOVE. I cannot stress that enough, if you get anything from this chapter that is what I want you to take away. You are allowed to love whomever you want. Screw what society and the “norm” culture says. Do what feels right to you, and don’t let anyone or anything hold you back from true happiness.

Mathew, I love you. More than you'll probably ever understand. You’ve provided our family with so much. Your love, compassion, humbleness, open mindedness, work ethic, humor, and logical mind has been the perfect addition to our family’s life. I can’t thank you enough for all you do. You jumped into a family with three teenagers with zero hesitation. You took on the “dad” role for the first time, and absolutely nailed it. I am proud to call you dad. Thank you.

The next day we all woke up and went zip lining on the mountain Halkeakala! Each kid was able to pick an excursion throughout the trip, and this was our last one. I have always loved zip lining, but had never done it in Hawaii. The jungle was absolutely stunning, and green. They provided us with rain jackets since it was a little rainy. When you’re attached to the line, and gliding through all of the trees, it’s almost like you’re flying. The wind in your hair.. just enjoying every moment. The whole course took us about an hour.

The rest of our day consisted of getting a room at the Grand Wailea resort. My dad and Mat absolutely love this resort, and us kids were so excited to check it out! My dad knew the bar tender on our floor, so she gave us endless drinks and snacks, I can’t remember her name but she was so kind. We also had access to the buffet room located on the floor below us. We were absolutely set for the evening and our stay as far as I could tell. Our family took a little stroll down to the pool and beach area, to check it out. This resort was absolutely stunning! I was very excited to see what tomorrow would bring.

Before we went to bed for the night, my brothers and I walked to the beach. With drink in hand, I just sat there with nothing but peace and gratitude in my heart. We watched the sun go down, that was a very special moment for me. My brothers made a little sand chair on the beach, and sat in it together as the sun was setting.. my HEART!!! Laughing, cracking jokes, and sitting in absolute silence with my two baby brothers.. perfect. (I may or may not have watched the Utah Jazz game on my phone while sitting on the beach…)

The next day, my dad and I woke up super early at 6:30am to go do beach yoga together. That’s exactly what we needed. There was a good group of people doing it with us, but it just felt like my dad and I in our own little world. It was one hour long, and so worth it. I was so sun burned, therefore doing some of the poses was very painful. That was a very special moment for my dad and I.

After we got back to the hotel room, we got breakfast as a family, and then decided to hit the pool! There was so much to do, we didn’t know where to start. The pool was massive first of all, with water slides for all ages, and a huge water elevator. I think about 10-15 people could get inside, then it would fill up with water underneath you, once the doors opened you were at the top of a water slide! It was really cool. Being a kid again with my brothers, dad, and Mat brought me so much joy. A pool day was definitely needed.

At the end of the day, we headed back to our airbnb. Parker was having a really hard time being away from his girlfriend Lexi, for the entire trip. He decided he wanted to go home early. My dad took him to the airport, after we returned his moped. I was really upset that he left early from the most perfect family vacation. But, now I understand why he did what he did. We had two more days left of our trip, and even though I was sad Parker left.. I was determined to not let that affect the rest of our time on Maui.

After Parker left, we hit the beach just me, Ashby, my dad and Mat. We took tons of pictures, and had an absolute blast! My dad and Ashby played on the boogie boards while Mathew and I sat on our beach chairs soaking up as much sun as we could. There were endless laughs, and fun!

The next day, we did the exact same thing. Like I said before, you can’t take any of us to an island and not expect us to take full advantage of the beaches. My hair THRIVES in humidity, even though it was very short.. I was loving the natural look. After the beach we hit the shops right by our airbnb for a Hawaiian shaved ice! I got tigers blood and blue raspberry with sweetened condensed milk poured on top. BOMB.COM.

That evening we decided to have our last dinner at The Monkey Pod which was super close to where we were staying. The vibe of the restaurant was unmatched. Once we walked in there were two guys providing live music. One with a ukulele, the other with bongos. We ordered drinks and our dinner. I got brussel sprout and bacon pizza, holy crap was that the best pizza I had consumed in a long time! It then hit me that this was our very last night. I decided to take a walk outside with my brother Ashby to see if there would be a sunset to end this perfect trip. To our surprise there was the most STUNNING sunset I have ever seen. I was in absolute awe that the weather cleared, and the sky reviled it’s beauty.

We headed home on the red eye flight that night. I was NOT looking forward to the 6 hour flight back home. We all said goodbye to our airbnb, and the island of Maui. Ashby and I sat together in an emergency exit row, which was one hundred percent needed. Except the seats barely and I mean barely reclined… the extra leg room was a plus, but there was no way we were going to get any sleep. While we were in the air, Ashby and I would take turns sleeping on each others shoulders and heads. It was the absolute most uncomfortable flight I think I’d ever been on, but we made it work the best we could.

We landed in Salt Lake City around 7:00am. We were back to reality, back to the cold, but we were back as an official family. That felt good, and warmed my insides.

I know this was a very long chapter, but I wanted to get everything in that I could for you as the reader to get the full picture of this very monumental trip. I appreciate you reading up until the end, and I hope you felt some sort of positive emotion while reading.

The last thing I want to say is that I couldn’t be more blessed with having two men in my life who love each other and don’t care what the world thinks. There are so many of their friends and family who absolutely love them and their love. But there are also some friends and family who still don’t agree with the concept or see their love for what it is. And at the end of the day everyone has their own thoughts/opinions. I have learned that over the past 7 years of being in the LGBTQ+ community as an ally. I respect opinions, but there really shouldn’t be a limitation on love. If you are one of those people who feel some sort of homophobia, or your religion teaches you that being LGBTQ is a sin and you believe that, I am truly sorry. Open your eyes, look at the love not the hate. Love with your entire being, love everyone, love because that is what keeps the world spinning around and society together. Love is what keeps me going every single day. Knowing that love exists and makes everyone happy.. that is something to keep living for.

Congratulations to my dad and Mat once again. I love you both so much, and thank you for being that example of love for me. You’ve both taught me so much, and have formed me into the woman I am today. Thank you for taking us on that trip with you, and including my brothers and I in your special day. I will forever be grateful for that.


The start of self discovery


Love & War