The Last Hurrah

August 2018 was here. It was moving month! My emotions were mixed, I was excited for a fresh start but also scared shitless for the unknown. I started to pack up my room in huge bins. I had moved 3 times since my dad and I moved out of our South Jordan home. So, packing up all my stuff wasn’t a new feeling. I had the mindset of ‘this is just another new house’. As I was packing up my things, I went through literally everything I owned. Some things were thrown out, and some things were placed into bins. I took a picture of myself sitting on a bin, and posted it on social media. The caption went something like ‘Tag anyone who lives in Arizona in the comments. Ya girl needs friends.’ Like I said emotions were mixed, but I knew it would be good.

Before we moved my moms side of the family took a trip to Flaming Gorge to spend time at my grandparents cabin. I had to go, since this has been a tradition every year since I was born and I didn’t know when the next time would be that I would get to go to the cabin after I moved. My mom, Harry, Ashby, Parker, Lexi, and I headed up to the cabin!

When we got there we set up tents on the lawn, and settled in. My grandma had dinner waiting for us, which is very comforting after a 4 hour drive. My Aunt Jeana, Uncle Spencer, their kids, Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Amanda, and their kids all joined us! There’s nothing better than spending time with family.

The next day we woke up, and got ready to go to the lake! The Flaming Gorge lake is probably the only body of water I love going to (besides the ocean). I feel most at home, like I belong there. I asked my mom to french braid my hair up into two space buns, so it would stay out of my face. When I was a little girl I absolutely hated when my mom would even touch my hair let alone style it. But now that I’m older and lazy… Why not have her do my hair? My head is still sensitive, but nothing like a mothers touch. It was time to head out to the lake! My grandpa cleaned out his smaller boat, attached it to his truck and we were off. PS this was my first time wearing a bikini around my family.. kind of a huge deal since I was forbidden to wear one my entire life.

I don’t know how or why, but my grandparents always know the best spot to set up camp for the day. When I was little my grandpa had these big tin cans full of cement that had pole holders in them. We would lay out this green material that almost looked like very short grass, then put the tin cans in the four corners, then take the poles and stick them into the holders that were in the cans, then place a tarp on top of some other poles above… bam shelter from the sun or rain. It was genius honestly. But now present day.. 20 years later we had the same green material, with pop up canopies. Think smarter not harder.. thanks modern day. We brought tables and camping chairs, and placed them under the canopies… bam shelter from the sun and rain.. and a place to eat.

My brother Parker started fishing right away once we got settled in. You cannot take him near any body of water without him pulling out a fishing pole and fishing. Not to our surprise he caught a good sized fish quickly! He brought it back to camp to show it off. Dinner tonight for those who like lake fish! (Not me) When I was little my grandpa would catch so many fish while we were at the cabin. He would bring them into the cabin to show it off, then start cleaning it out. After it was cleaned out, he seasoned it and either placed it over a campfire in the yard or the oven. After it was cooked, he called all of the grandkids over to have a bite. I had one too many bites every time he cooked up a fish. So now, I steer clear from any type of fish in fear it would taste like Flaming Gorge fish. Don’t get me wrong… other people like the taste of it, I just don’t!

My Aunt Jeana brought a few water toys which I of course had to take part in. Our number one rule before even putting a toe in the water is you MUST have a life preserver on. (I can just hear my grandmas voice when I see the words life preserver. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard her yell that at us. haha!) My grandpa got his boat all fired up, hooked the weenie tube to the back, and we were ready to rumble! My entire life I would rather sit in the boat than go on the weenie tube. There were times where if my grandpa promised to go slow, and not create a crazy wake, I’d hop on the tube. This year, I was more of a boat girl. We all put life preservers on, I got in the boat with my grandpa and a few cousins. Crazy people go on the weenie tube. I’ll be honest.. the little boat doesn’t create a huge wake, compared to the big boat that I rode on my entire life.

Everyone was having a blast! Playing in the water, eating chips, scarfing down sandwiches, playing games, listening to music, and enjoying each others company. Some of my most happy memories took place at that lake.

When the day was done, we ended up back at the cabin. Showers were had, comfy clothes were put on, and dinner was served. After dinner we all sat by the campfire in the yard and roasted smores. Parker ended up cooking his fish over the fire as well. My best friend and cousin Leah hungout with me the entire night. We threw a frisbee with glow sticks on it, and had a blast.

The next morning we got up bright and early. Today, we would run the Green River! This was also a tradition that I was going to miss dearly. The Green River is pretty calm, so everyone no matter what age could join. We all packed up, and drove about an hour just past the Flaming Gorge Dam where the river started. The drive up is so beautiful, passing all the trees, plants, wildlife, with the most breathtaking views. We made a stop at the raft rental place 20 minutes before we would reach the top of the river. My grandpa loaded the rafts into his truck, and we were off.

Once we got to the top of the river, we parked and started to walk down to get on our rafts, that my grandpa dropped off. My grandparents took the truck and other cars to the end of the river, where we would meet them afterwards. The rafts were pretty spacious 8 people could fit into one. Our family was in one, Jeana’s family had their own, and Jeremy’s family had their own. All the boys on the trip brought a fishing pole, so we would make stops along the river where they could fish.

Floating the river has always been one of my favorite things to do. The word peaceful comes to my mind whenever I think about it. I usually sit on the front part of the raft, with my water shoes on, dangling my feet over the side. The breeze on my face, the silence of the canyon, and breathing fresh air is the most peaceful feeling I think I’ve ever felt.

All of us in the rafts would stick together, as much as possible. We went on a Saturday which is a really busy time. At the very beginning there would be tons of rafts around us, but as we continued on it was just our 3 family rafts. The Proctor raft was always the fun raft. We would jump back and forth from raft to raft. My Uncle Spencer LOVED pushing us into the freezing cold water. We would stop at big rocks in the middle of the river and jump off of them. My little cousins are WAY more daring than me. I had to muster up SO much courage to jump off a little tiny rock. If we had to pee, we got into the water up t our waists, and let it flow!

Half way down the river I was in a raft with my mom, Harry, Parker, Ashby, and Lexi. My mom and Harry just got married the winter before this trip. My brothers, Lexi, and I weren’t super fond of Harry at this point. With that being said… Harry said some snarky comment to my mom or Parker I can’t remember. The next thing everyone knew, Parker quickly stood up and shoved Harry into the river. His glasses flew off, everyone gasped, I looked at Parker with full rage in his eyes. We all couldn’t believe what just happened. Harry floated in the river for a second and then he eventually got back into the raft. I had tears in my eyes, sadness in my heart, and didn’t know what to do. I literally couldn’t go anywhere.

This triggered me. It threw me back to the awful times I experienced with my parents in high school. Parker is and always has been a protective person especially when it would come to my mom and I. If my mom is spoken to with disrespect, Parker is the first one to defend her followed by me. I really admire that about him. I think that’s what happened in this situation. It’s safe to say after that happened, the rest of the river experience was awkward.

Once we made it down to the bottom, my grandpa was there with his truck to load the rafts and return them back to the top. The rest of us walked to where the cars were parked to eat some lunch. I really cherished this time with a few of my moms family members.

Once lunch was finished, we headed back to the cabin. We stopped again at the raft rental place, and grabbed a quick scoop of ice cream! Very needed after a long day in the sun. Everyone eventually fell asleep on the car ride home.

Once we got back, showers were had, dry clothes were put on, life preservers were hung, and dinner we being made. After dinner, we pulled out all the games, and had a huge game night together. One popular game that the Jensen’s never go without playing is ‘Rook’. I started playing this game with the adults when I turned 11 or 12 years old. It can get very intense, with tons of cussing, slapping the table, and pure adrenaline. Game nights at the cabin has a vibe that’s simple unmatched!

The next day it was time to say goodbye and head back down to the valley. This was the last time that I would see my grandparents before moving to Arizona, so I had to get a picture with them.

Once all goodbyes were said, we took the 2 hour drive back down to Salt Lake. My mom dropped Ashby and I off at my dads, and we continued to pack for Arizona. The day was quickly approaching.. I couldn’t believe it. Just a few more days, and Arizona would be my new home.


Goodbye, Hello!


Livin’ Young, Wild, and Free